Old Building Savior

Old Building Savior

Kevin saved this building--incredible work.

This building had a rotten sill plate that Kevin and I dismantled. We jacked the cross beams up over 6 inches to reclaim the original level of the building. Kevin used his know-how to rescue the building without a huge ticket price. Just old school elbow grease and ingenuity. The pictures don't do it justice. He literally waterproofed the structure. Before he began the water was running into the building and was just about ready to fall down. Now it has a whole new life ahead of it. Kevin's knowledge of carpentry is only surpassed by his knowledge of masonry. This was totally custom work, no manual to this job. He laid brick to create an exterior trough that diverted the water better than the original scheme. It was also great to hear his take on the incredible stone work of this old building. Other big contractors had offered to work on the place for literally 20x the price that Kevin charged me. I doubt they would have done as good a job as he did.

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